New laptop

Posted on Thursday, Oct 14, 2004

Since I’m on a new team at work, they had to get me a new laptop. It’s exactly like my old laptop except it has fewer Cheezit crumbs on it and it is lacking all of the stuff I need to get actual work done.

So despite the fact that I actually had a lot of work to do this afternoon, I spent most of the time getting applications installed, etc, so that I could do said work. And now the day is over, so the work shall wait for tomorrow.

The good news is…Rak found a sneaky backdoor proxy server that is part of JPMC that doesn’t block ANYTHING. So now I can get to Gmail again, which is good, because the webmail interface on my person webserver (the only one I could reach with the B1 proxy) is pretty craptastic.

I also was talking to another of the production engineers on my team today – apparently my new manager is really open to the “work from home” stuff – not permanently, but I’m sure I’ll be working from home at least one day a week. They’re even talking about getting VoIP phones for us and stuff. Neat. The coolest part is that if I wanted to go out of town for a weekend to visit friends, as long as said friend has a broadband connection, I could visit one extra day and work remotely, for example. Gotta love that action.

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