Work action

Posted on Tuesday, Aug 24, 2004

So things are getting potentially nutty/good/messy here at work.

My friend Jeff works on the Commercial team (I’m with a group called CAS). Anyway, apparently there is a permanent job opening on the Commercial team (I’m a contractor here with CAS). So Jeff suggested to his boss that they talk to me about it (since he knows I’d rather be perm than contract).

So Jeff’s boss sees my resume and Jeff tells him that actually they had seen me before, but passed on me. Jeff’s boss gets really pissed when he finds this out, and apparently now they are interested in trying to get me over to their team.

(It’s important at this point, I think, to point out that nobody besides my friend has actually talked to me about this).

This afternoon, Jeff was eavesdropping on his boss, who was apparently on the phone with my boss.

I guess they were fighting over me (not fighting, per se, but “discussing”, you know).

So I get this IM from my boss as soon as he is off the phone with Jeff’s boss:

Boss – hey, at some point tomorrow, can we have a quick discussion on how things are going with you? I’m curious about how much work we are giving you, and what you have become involved with…

Mugsy – sure thing

Boss – wanna make sure you are not too bored….

I hope my boss doesn’t think I’m playing games. This all happened so fast it’s not like I could have discussed it with him. I don’t know. Eep.

Although I think I’m in good shape. When I was leaving, Jeff’s boss stopped me and introduced himself. He told me that he had “opening the lines of communication” to my boss, and that my boss had nothing but “sparkling things” to say about me. He also said that my boss had alluded to maybe wanting to hire me perm as well, and that hopefully we’d know the lay of the land soon. He finished by saying that either way, it looked like I had a lot of options.

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