VIDEO – Lightroom Tutorial 1: Importing Photos

Posted on Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010

Are you excited? This is my very first video Tech Tip. It’s a walk-through on importing photos from your digital camera or memory card into Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2. Let me know what you think of it!

Some notes on the video…

  • This took at least six “takes”. The first version was over 10 minutes long, which is just ridiculous. Lesson learned from that first take? Write down notes, or else you’ll start rambling. I think there’s at least 2 minutes in that version of me going on and on about the DNG format.
  • I had quite a few takes that only got about 45 seconds into it, and ended with me saying “crap!” (or other words less pleasant).
  • One attempt was interrupted by my wife calling me from downstairs because my son projectiled all over her and the couch.
  • I’m really kind of annoyed by something I say towards the end of this video, but I was NOT going to start over. And then when I went to edit it, I didn’t have the energy to cut it out.

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