
Posted on Friday, Aug 5, 2005

Five years ago: I was just moving into the apartment on Clark and Wellington with Susanna and Kristen.

Five months ago: I was out at the movies with Kim and Tom seeing Be Cool.

Five days ago: I was enjoying a blissful day of TV and laziness.

Five hours ago: I fell asleep napping while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas

Five minutes ago: I started typing up this meme.

Five snacks I enjoy: Popcorn, frozen bananas, Cheezits, Tofutti Cuties, and cucumbers

Five bands that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Smashing Pumpkins, Liz Phair, Tom Waits, Garbage, Your Mom Called

Five things I would do with $100,000,000: Season tickets to Wrigley. Down payment on a condo. Mini Cooper. Super-sweet video editing system that would make Marcelo have a giant hardon. Polaroid camera to take picture of said system to send to Marcelo.

Five locations I’d like to run away to: London. Vegas. Tokyo. New York. Ft. Lauderdale.

Five things I like doing: Cooking out. Making movies. Eating. Talking about meaningless pop culture crap. Watching baseball games.

Five things I wish I could wear: Anything they sell on Halsted. Tank tops. Tight jeans. Anything in Brian ‘s closet. Velvet.

Five TV shows I like: Seinfeld. Arrested Development. Scrubs. Modern Marvels. Robot Chicken.

Five movies: Croupier. The Jerk. This Is Spinal Tap. Reservoir Dogs. Goodfellas.

(technically, it just asked to list five movies, not necessarily my favorite five)

Five famous people I’d like to meet: Steve Jobs. Martin Scorcese. The Woz. Tom Waits. Kevin Smith.

Five biggest joys at the moment: DVR. My new Mac. The Cubs (despite themselves). My backyard. Sandwiches.

Five favorite toys: iPod. The interweb. Beanbag toss game. My Mac. My awesome TV.

Five people who I would like to see do this: swingfeline kathy_skadoo jodiemim mteson swingdoc

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