
Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005

For some reason, I haven’t felt much like blogging lately. Dunno why.

Had a good time in NYC. Did a spot of shopping in the East Village with Ryan. Had drinks in Brooklyn for ‘s birthday. Went to that dancer auction thing and bought some manflesh. Went to the Mets game. Got myself around pretty well on the subway.

Saw The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy last night with Tom. I enjoyed it immensely. I haven’t read the books in quite a while, but I always liked them. And I found this to be a movie that brought some good funnay. I would have liked to have seen it with a larger audience, for pure feedback laughs, but still, good stuff. Mos Def was great. Alan Rickman was perfection. And I think Parker and Liz have to move over and make room for Zooey.

Tomorrow night going to see Star Wars with and Tom. And a player to be named later (I have an extra ticket). Good times.

I’m tired.

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