This made me think of Brian…

Posted on Tuesday, Aug 9, 2005

Guilty Pleasures, Embarrassing Truths

Here’s what it’s all about:

The real truth is that you have terrible taste, and no soul. You watched You Got Served on HBO last month. You laugh every time you see Men in Black. You whistle along to Patience, and you’d rather watch “Fear Factor” than anything on the Discovery Channel. Welcome to club.

On the topic of Small Wonder: Fuck you, buddy! This idea is so apeshit, bananas insane—and fetishistically weird—that reading it now I want to max-out my credit cards, declare bankruptcy, and move to Detroit where I would take up residency in a dumpster, drink Thunderbird all day, and yell out “Small Wonder!” to passing strangers until my premature death at the hands of full-blown something or other.

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