The whole world’s against us, Silent Bob…

Posted on Thursday, Nov 7, 2002

…I swear.

In the saga of “Matt’s Fucking Saab Costing Him a Shitload of Money”, here are the latest adventures:

1) Matt gets a $60 parking ticket for an expired city sticker. New city sticker will cost $90. If Matt gets two more tickets, Matt’s car will be booted. Removal of the boot will cost $100. If not paid within 24 hours, car is towed, and then cost to recover car is $100 for towing, plus the $100 boot fee. Plus whatever you owe in tickets.

2) Last night, after parking his car in front of the house, Matt realizes he left the windows down. Matt enters car and tries to start it (to roll down windows), and WHOOPS! Key gets snapped off in the ignition. Matt only has the one copy of said key. Matt recovers the other piece of key, and finds out that locksmith will charge approx $85 to make new key. Argh.

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