Stupid dumbass meme

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 23, 2004

Blame for this one.

1. My journal is called ” Mugsus Cranius Delightus”. My old journal name was “Inside Mugsy’s Cranium”, and a while ago I decided switching to psuedo-Latin would be funny.

2. My subtitle is “Rants about swing dancers and ferrets”. I think it summarizes up things I dislike (swing dancers) and things that I think are teh awesome (ferrets).

3. My friends page is called “Dorkus Malorkus Expoundus”, because, well, it’s more psuedo-Latin, and I think “dorkus malorkus” is a great way to refer to a friend. So of course the extended list of friends would be “expoundus”. I make up words. It’s my birthright. Why do you hate America?

4. My username is [info]mugsy1274. My nickname in the “swing” world (and now pretty much everywhere) is “Mugsy”. And my birthday is Dec, 1974. Fiendishly clever, I know.

5. My default userpic is a picture of me with Swifty and Amanda at Y6A.

6. My LJ “name” is “Mugsy Malone”

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