so that happened

Posted on Monday, Nov 15, 2004

It appears my friend has been released. And she is, naturally, upset with me about this.

She claims I “violated a trust” by thinking she could not take care of herself. This person told me several things yesterday that specifically referred to her taking her own life at sunset.

But I was supposed to just sit there and say “oh well, you can take care of yourself”?

Fuck that. I refuse to be upset about this, depsite the horror she says she went through. Guess what – don’t put that shit on me then.

I look at what she did as similar to the “dram shop” laws that cover bars in Illinois. Let’s say I am a bartender – you come into my bar stinking drunk. I refuse to serve you, you leave, get into a car, and kill someone.

Guess who is now an accessory to that? Yup. Me. As soon as you came into my bar drunk, you legally became my responsiblity.

And that’s how I see it with the threats of suicide. As soon as you tell me you are going to kill yourself, I now have a responsibility. Your life is now on me. If you kill yourself I will have to deal with that for the rest of my life.

What she did to me is incredibly selfish. And I refuse to feel bad about it.

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