Poker wisdom for relationship risk

Posted on Monday, Sep 22, 2003

Someone asked me, “When betting, do you bet based upon what you have now, or what you might end up with?” And I said “Well, you have to figure the probability of getting what you’re trying to get. And weigh that risk against the potential gain.”

It’s actually more applicable than I had thought.

What you do is look at the risk. And if the risk outweighs the potential gain, then it’s not a good bet

It’s not about only doing what is probable. You can take longer odds if the risk to gain ratio is right.

For example…if the odds of you drawing the winning hand are 1 in 100, and the pot is only fifty bucks, and it will cost you ten bucks to stay in…then you should fold/

To put that in relationship parlance…if there’s someone you think is kind of cute and interesting, but the odds of it working out are really low, and if it did work out, it would be kind of “eh”, and it is going to require a lot of effort to make happen…you fold.

But let’s say there’s someone you totally dig and you think they might like you. You aren’t sure, but if they DID like you, you know it could really be something big and great, and all you have to risk is just asking them out…then man, you go in on that pot!

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