My dealbreaker

Posted on Wednesday, Jun 23, 2004

is going to laugh, but I think I’ve figured out my “dealbreaker”.

The girl can’t annoy me.

I don’t know what it is. But it seems that most of the girls I have dated or been on dates with or whatever…after a little while I just get so annoyed and want them to leave me alone.

Granted, I get annoyed with people in general. But I mean like sitting there and fuming and thinking “jesus christ, will you fucking LEAVE already?”

That’s not healthy.

There is a short list of people that I spend a lot of time with who don’t annoy me like that. The problem is, none of them are possibilities for dating.

On an unrelated note, I am digging this song I’m listening to right now. – have you heard it? I think you’d dig on it hardcore.

Dynamite Hack – Boyz-N-The Hood

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