Mugsy’s annoyance

Posted on Saturday, Jan 1, 2005

I really really really hate it when you are waiting on people, and they don’t follow through.

A friend of mine, and another friend of hers, told me that they wanted to see some Chicago blues this weekend.

 I said sure, I would recommend some places, and that I didn’t have any real plans either night, so I would go with them.

 Today I sent her an email saying okay, here are the places I would recommend.  I went to the movies tihs afternoon, so I called her to say hey, I am going into the movies, so I won’t have my phone on.

 She asked which night I would recommend as better; i said tonight is actually the better show at b.l.u.e.s. and that I would be out of the movie at 6, so she said “okay, I will call you then”.

As of almost 8 PM, I have received no phone call.

I just called her, and got her voice mail. I left a message saying “Hey, it’s Matt, I’m assuming you guys don’t want to go tonight, so I’m going to do something else. Give me a call.”

I’m annoyed, because it’s like hey, I’ve been sitting around waiting. At least call and say hey, we are not going tonight, or whatever.  It’s not like I have anything else to do,  but if we’re not going out, then I know I can be lazy now and just watch tv and not get all cleaned up.

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