More NYE recap

Posted on Saturday, Jan 1, 2005

Evening started at Cesar’s on Broadway with , Jeni, Tracy, Brian, Fisher, and myself. We enjoyed Mexican delicacies and a couple of cocktails, before heading out to the Park West.

The cabbie who drove Lippy, Fisher, and I was hilarious. As soon as we told him where to go, he said “Oh my God, I just dropped off the singer there.” He also explained to us that there were many more women out than me, so we had “no excuse” to not get laid.

We showed up at the show early, because we were afraid it was going to be jam packed and we wanted to get a good booth. As it happens, when we arrived there were only about 20 people in line, but Partytom was already there, and was first in line. When they finally opened the doors, we went to where Brian said the “Godfather booths” were…but they were not there. Only tables and chairs. But Partytom is never swayed – he went and did some sweet talking which (along with a modest monetary donation from all of us) aquired us two awesome booths.

My friend Darlyn then met us with her friend Robert who was in from Afghanistan for a few days. The opening act was indeed the girl our cabbie dropped off, but she wasn’t very good. Her voice was beautiful, but her music was whiny folk chick stuff – imagine Lisa Loeb covering Morrissey. Not exactly fun New Year’s Eve party music. But we didn’t mind, because we were all getting drunk.

Our waitress was (understandably) slow, so Tom got the good idea of ordering himself an ice bucket with four beers in it – just to keep ahead. Well, within five minutes of getting it served to him, two girls brushed past our table and dumped the bucket on the floor. The beers were open, so it ruined all four beers. Tom just looked at them and said “You just killed four of my beers.” They kind of shrugged and walked by…and it turns out they were sitting in the booth next to ours.

This caused a great debate amongst all of us as to what the proper action here would be. Lippy, who has been on a tear about people spilling other folks’ drinks, was livid. I told Tom that someone should go tell those girls that they weren’t nearly hot enough to spill someone’s beers and just walk away. I asked Darlyn what she would do if she did that (she’s a lot cuter than either girl was), and she said, without blinking “you replace the drinks”. She then pointed out that maybe the girls were poor. I reminded her that they were sitting in the pimp booth, so they could easily afford to replace four cheap beers.

Well, about ten minutes later, the girls vacated their booth. So Partytom and Lippy decided to go sit in it until they came back…just to see what would happen. Well, they never returned…but two of their friends did. Apparently, the story was that the Spilling Duo had gotten into the show for free…and left after they spilled Tom’s beers. So while Tom’s beers weren’t replaced, at least we can know that these two bitches had to leave the New Year’s party early.

Of course, their friends turned out to be bitches too. Tom was talking to them, being his usual fun Party self, and he even gave them each a beer from his new bucket. Almost as soon as he did so, one of them said to him “ok, how about you go back to your REAL seat now.”

Hindsight being 2020, Tom and I decided later that he should have said “Fine,” and taken his beers back.

When Tom told Darlyn and I the story, she was going to go over to them and explain that they were not good looking enough to be such bitches, but she was afraid she’d get into a fight (she’s Cuban, so I’m sure that wasn’t far off the mark). The funny thing is…we watched these two girls for the rest of the night…and they just sat in their booths by themselves, not even really talking, and certainly not dancing of having any fun.

I feel sorry for people who feel so bad about themselves that they have to be huge assholes. It was like at Cesar’s; while waiting for a table, I spotted two Paris and Nicole wannabe girls at the bar…who also exhibited that facial expression that says “I once smelled something so bad that my face froze this way.” Brian put it the best – he explained that the facial expression actually means “All my life, my parents told me that there would never be anyone good enough for me. I believed it, and now I’m alone, and I’m bitter about that, too.”

Anyway, Happy New Year everyone!

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