Movie ideas

Posted on Monday, May 23, 2005

Was talking to Chris tonight, and got to thinking about script ideas (because I am woefully dry in that area, and I need to get some shit written). Here are a couple:

1) A crime film about identity theft (since it’s a hot button right now). Most movies about computer crime are inaccurate, because computer crime is REALLY boring to watch. But I like the idea of an identity theft who actually ends up having no real identity of his own, because he is always these other people. Kind of a con man film; think The Talented Mr. Ripley meets Swordfish.

2) Another idea came from a conversation I’d had with my friend Jamie. A movie about the guy that everyone loves, but not in the way he wants to be loved. It would also allow me to play in the whole concept of wanting to find someone who doesn’t annoy you (those of you who really know me will know what I am talking about).

Along these lines…Chris was telling me about a “game” he’s been playing. It’s the “pitch” game – you know how they say when you pitch a film, it’s always described in terms of existing films (Pretty Woman meets Dawn of the Dead). So you take two movies that don’t go together, and write a treatment based upon that. So I challenge you, the reader, to comment on this entry with a combo like that, and maybe I’ll try to write something based upon the suggestion.

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