More info on my sister’s adventure…

Posted on Tuesday, Mar 9, 2004

So I posted yesterday about my sister’s desire to go do some stuff for Habitat for Humanity for her spring break. She sent me this email today with more details if you want to help out:

Hi, I am Becky, one of Matt’s little sisters. I am a junior at the University of Illinois (Champaign/Urbana). I have come to ask you all a huge favor. Before I ask the favor, I will explain my situation. I am going to Georgia with Greek Intervarsity (Christian fellowship) and Habitat for Humanity to build houses for the less fortunate. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to go on a Spring Break trip like this because I am student teaching now and some of the schools don’t have the same Spring Breaks as my university. Well, my school does, so I am able to go with this year. Since I am paying for school, I am broke (not much different than the average college kid I guess). The trip costs a total of $240.00, which is a major obstacle for me. I told my mom about how badly I wanted to go, the cost, and the fact that I didn’t know how I would pay for it since I wouldn’t be working over Spring Break if I went and I have no money to pay $240.00 out of my pocket. She offered to give me $100.00 for the trip. I was talking with Matt about it and asked him if he could help me pay for some of it. I need about $140.00. Matt said he would help me (thanks Matt, you’re the best big bro ever!) and would ask his friends if they could help out. So this is where my favor comes in. I would like to ask you the huge favor of making a donation to my cause of going to Georgia to build houses with Habitat. Please don’t feel like you have to contribute anything or a big sum of money. I will honestly take anything you can offer, even if it’s only $.25. If you can’t donate, please don’t feel bad. I understand how tight money can get, so please don’t feel pressured. I also understand that some of you don’t know me from Adam, so I would understand if you didn’t want to contribute for that reason as well. If you can and want to donate however, please feel free! :) Since Carrie, Dan, Joy, and Jake have already contributed a total of $54 altogether (thanks guys and girls), I only need $86 more!!! Wow!!! Thanks for taking the time to read this and support my endeavors. I owe you guys a huge one! If you ever need me to build a house or whatever, just give me a ring. After all, I will become a master while I am there, right? Haha, probably not so much. I am truly grateful and thankful. I wouldn’t be able to go on this trip if it wasn’t for my mom, my bro, and you guys. God has proved to be faithful once again…He always does. Thanks to you Matt for organizing this whole thing. I owe you big time. Thanks everyone. We leave on the 20 or 21 I think, so I’ll let you know how it goes.

Becky :)

Just click the Donate button at the bottom to send it via Paypal. Or just paypal the money to matt [at] gravytrainfilms [dot] com.

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