More dreams

Posted on Monday, Jan 3, 2005

I just woke up from a nap with some really vivid dreams.

The funny part was, during this one, I several times convinced myself that I was *not* dreaming, because it was “too real”. Even though it was ridiculous.

At one point I was at a diner, or restaurant of some kind, with Amy W, Lindyphil, and someone else (I don’t remember who now). I ordered a turkey sandwich, and after eating half of it, noticed it was not turkey, but brisket. I pointed this out to the waitress, but she kind of shrugged it off.

After that, there was some kind of a fight – a squad car drove off, with a waitress chasing out the door of the diner shouting “Where’s my tip, assholes?!”. Then the Greek owner came out and yelled after the cops. Suddenly, random girls were throwing punches at some guys. Weird.

Then I logged onto my laptop, and saw that on LJ there were a bunch of posts on ‘s journal with pictures of me. Something broke with my IM, and I woke up.

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