Like the lady said…

Posted on Tuesday, Jan 13, 2004

(inspired by )

Just to show that I read my Friends page…

…these are the last lines of the last 10 posts on my friends page. (Non-communities, non-this meme and public posts only.)


  1. I’m looking for more.

  2. WTF is it?

  3. which with a 7 y/o boy, health insurance is a great thing :)

  4. If you aren’t a big cryer, how do your emotions manifest themselves?

  5. OK, so its now January 13th and in many ways I can’t believe that I am still in Ottawa.

  6. well gotta go do some advertising schtuff.

  7. So far this week is stellar.

  8. I would be temporarily mollified if people in my neighborhood would just park in one spot instead of two or three…

  9. Anyone?

  10. road trip, anyone?

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