Horpy Tor!

Posted on Friday, Nov 26, 2004

I love Thanksgiving.

My mom did a pretty passable job of the cooking today. My grandmother has moved to Florida, so we are no longer treated to her fantastic Thanksgiving spread.

Other coolness – my cousin David (from Denmark) is actually at Oberlin in the Music Conservatory these days. He came to Chicago for the weekend and spent Thanksgiving with us. This is cool because the last time I saw David I think he was like…um…ten or eleven. He’s 18 now and pretty cool.

Overall, a pretty good Thanksgiving, but I was happy to go home. 24 hours with my family is about all I can handle with everyone being able to stay friends.

We also did my “birthday” stuff tonight. My mom made a carrot cake at my request (I don’t know why; carrot cake just sounded good). Debbie gave me the Garden State soundtrack. And my mom and stepdad gave me a couple of books.

But now I am home. Hurrah.

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