
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 14, 2004

So a few years ago, I went on a couple of dates with a really nice girl named Ellie. This was back in Oct/Nov of 2001.

Ellie was super sweet and cute. may remember me telling her that I went on a date with a “Shana lookalike”. That was her.

Anyway, I ended up going all Flaky McFlakerson on her. Big shock, right?

Well, anyway, we actually got to talking last night. We’re going to try to get together sometime soon and start over. I think it might be a good thing. She’s a really good person and is really pretty. I’m just worried. There are a lot of challenges to overcome, but I don’t know…I’m just kind of tired of the madcap bachelor lifestyle. I’m turning 30 in a few months and think it’s time to grow up finally.

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