Fuck you, Ohio

Posted on Thursday, Nov 4, 2004

From Salon

During a question-and-answer period, someone says they’d once heard [Patrick] Johnston [vice chairman of the Ohio branch of the far-right Constitution Party] call for the execution of gays and lesbians. He vigorously denies the charge. Later, he tells me that the decision to put gays to death is a matter best left up to the states. “If we ever had a nation sufficiently Christian” to make homosexuality illegal, he says, imposing capital punishment for homosexuality would be a subject for “an in-house debate. There were capital crimes in the Bible, and that would be something debated.

The Republican National Committee, though, is using gay marriage to rally its Ohio base. A few weeks ago, Reeves was horrified to find that the RNC had mailed her a voter registration form attached to a four-color flier about “protecting marriage.” The front of the mailer pictures a bride and groom and the words, “One Man One Woman.” Inside it says, “One Vote Could Make a Difference in Making Sure It Stays that Way.”

The flier warns that “Traditional values are under attack from the radical left,” which seeks to “Destroy traditional marriage by legalizing gay marriage,” “Support abortion on demand and partial birth abortion,” and “Declare the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because of its reference to God.”

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