f*ck her

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 16, 2004

So that friend just emailed me. She said she wanted to know exactly what I said when I called emergency services, because something went very wrong with that.

(She’s right to ask this – they told her that they got a report that she was roaming the streets with a knife, threatening people. I never told them anything remotely like that.)

She then went on to tell me she could never trust me again.

I replied to her and explained what I said a few posts ago – the comparision to the dram shop laws. I told her I was very sorry if she considered suicide talk to be a normal way of communicating, but that I refused to feel badly for what I did. I told her how selfish she was.

I congratulated her on pushing yet another person out of her life who was willing to help her.

And then I told her to fuck herself.

I am done. Hands washed. Those of you who are friends with her still, good luck. If I had known what I know now, there’s no way I would have allowed myself to have to go through this.

Some people are beyond help.

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