Da weekend…

Posted on Monday, Jun 30, 2003


Went to a birthday party for the lovely Kitty. The boys from Injection Records were spinning at the Jefferson Tap. It was fun, but really long. I got a cool IR t-shirt though. has pictures up on his website under “DJ Adventures – Jefferson Tap”. Check ’em out. No, seriously. Check ’em out. From now on I am calling Trapper “Cross-Hand Action”.

Ended the night at the Golden Apple and got home around 5:30 AM. Eep. Especially considering I started at Tracy’s house at 8 PM. Double eep moo latte.


Had dinner with CTodd at Erwin, which was tasty stuff. Then we went to see The Neutrino Project again. Well, again for me, first time for CTodd. And once again, I laughed. I cried. Etc.

After Neutrino, headed to Studio X, where I met up with Jayno and Erika and we went back to our place (yay air conditioning), drank some beers, ate some pizza, watched Coupling and The Animatrix.Good times.


Lazy Sunday. I sat around and got caught up on my Tivo all day. Finally saw The Office, which was pretty funny, but not as good as Coupling. Ate Chinese and watched Sex and the City, which was funny, because it was about using Tivo to record shows on BBCA. The ironing was delicious.


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