City Council Passes Driver Cell Phone Ban

Posted on Thursday, May 12, 2005

Via Chicagoist.

City Council Passes Driver Cell Phone Ban

Through adroit parlementary manuvers, the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance today that would ban drivers from using cell phones without a hands free device. Chicagoist has learned that the ordinance will be enacted this July, and first time offenders will be fined $50, with repeat offenders subject to fines of up to $200 with each offense. The ordinance does not apply to people in parked cars, people calling 911, or law enforcement officials.

Alderman Burt Natarus (42nd), who has been working to pass the cell phone car ban for over two years, was finally able to marshal the votes necessary this year when he received the support of Mayor Richard M. Daley and Finance Committee Chairman Ed Burke (14th). Their support became crucial in the moments before final passage of the ordinance, as it was moved without debate and through an unusual parliamentary manuever as an “Omnibus Bill”. By the time the bill had passed, aldermanic opponents had not realized the bill had passed.

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