And that changes EVERYTHING…

Posted on Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008

So you remember last week when I posted about the two houses we were trying to choose between? And how I said we had a lot of thinking to do? And, I can’t stress this enough, that we were choosing between those two houses?

I was full of it. Because we have found a THIRD house. And this house is much better than those two. And it’s the current front-runner in our choices.

The Blackhawk House

It is a four bedroom, 2.5 bath in Lisle. Lot and lots of updates – great kitchen, new fixtures, new appliances, and nicely updated (and brand new) crown molding. The yard is fenced in and a decent size, with good, mature trees. The basement is about half finished. Basically, it’s a size that we can stick with for the next ten years, which is exactly what I would like. We looked at two other houses in the same subdivision, and after we saw one of them, Carrie noticed a couple that looked to be about our age with a little kid and a Golden – she asked them about the neighborhood, and it sounds like a good mix of older folks and then younger couples with kids.

Lisle was recently listed in Money magazine as One Of The Awesomest Places To Live or something. Yes, it is Naperville-adjacent, but we wouldn’t have an actual Naperville address, so that has to count for something.  The house is 2 miles from the train station, 3 miles from my sister’s house, 6 miles from Carrie’s parents, 9 miles from my parents, and 10 miles from Carrie’s work. It’s right by 355 and I-88, so highway access is great.

This just might be our new house. I’ll keep you updated with what we decide.

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