Posted on Tuesday, Jun 24, 2003

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Neat test from match.com.

Who You Are

You’re a “real” man

You’re a down-to-earth and easygoing guy. You refuse to settle long-term for a boring job or doing something just because it’s expected of you. Life should be “balanced” with plenty of time for fun, spontaneity, and relaxation! You try to avoid scheduling every minute of your day and instead prefer a more informal and “go with the flow” approach. You’re a private person and a little hard to get to know, especially emotionally. When you express your feelings, it’s more likely through your actions and practical support than through words. However, you also have a romantic and sensual side that only the special person in your life will be able to see.

What’s dating all about to you?

Finding a loving relationship is an ongoing journey for you. You try to learn from each date and new experience and move on. Falling in love comes naturally to you. It doesn’t have to make sense. You’re ready to “go with the flow” and see where it leads.

You face two major challenges in finding the love of your life. First, because you thrive on new adventures and excitement, long-term relationships can be boring. And when you’re bored, you typically try to shake things up. Deciding when and with whom you’re ready to “settle down” is especially challenging for you.

How unique is your type?

Your personality profile is similar to a number of men your age. Looking at over 10,000 men who have taken the test, about 29.5% (or about 1 in 3 men) have very similar beliefs, values, and habits. Of course, the way these qualities are expressed in you is what makes you so unique.

Quirks women notice

Like all men, you have your strengths as well as your quirks and shortcomings. Ultimately, you want to find someone who will love and accept you “warts and all.” Because you’re a private person, it’s especially important that you find a partner who understands.

  • Some days when you’re in a bad mood and can’t hide it, co-workers or friends take it personally and think you’re upset at them.
  • On most days, you need to get away from other people (including your loved ones) and have quiet time alone to rest and recharge your emotional and social batteries.
  • You won’t be too bothered by the fact that your partner always has multiple projects and hobbies going on with few ever finished.

Do women like your type?

Notice that 80% of women are generally attracted to your personality type. 28% say they are VERY attracted. With the millions of people on Match.com, that translates into lots of potential matches.

Who You’re Looking For

She’ll be an enigma

You’re looking for a woman who naturally attracts friends and co-workers with her confidence, friendliness, and zeal for life. In fact, she’ll probably “dazzle” you from the first moment you meet. You’ll certainly never be bored or lack things to talk about with her. She’s very smart and can talk intelligently about almost any topic. She stays busy with sports or outdoor activities and will encourage you to pursue your interests as well.

Overall, it’s important for you to be with someone who is almost always cheerful and has an optimistic outlook on life. The ideal person you’re seeking shares a number of positive qualities with you, including:

  • She doesn’t get overly emotional during disagreements and would rather talk things out calmly and rationally.

Number of women your type

Women with the exact type of personality you prefer are rare gems. Looking at over 10,000 women who have taken this test, only 6% (or 1 in 17 women) have the exact combination of similarities and contrasts in personality you find extremely appealing.

However, there’s a larger group, 26% (or 1 in 4 women), who have most, but not all, of the qualities and habits you like. These subgroups are charted below.

About two-thirds (69%) of the women have at least some of the traits you find attractive.

But you’d have a negative reaction to 31% (or 1 in 3 women) who have some or many of the characteristics you clearly dislike.

Opposites attract

You’re fascinated by women who see the world and do things a little differently than you. Part of you wants to be more like her, or at least have her unique style in your life. She could be good for you in many ways:

  • Her outgoing nature will help bring you out of your “shell” socially and help you have more fun at parties or outings with friends.
  • Because her eyes are always on the future, she can help you plan ahead and get excited about goals without being bogged down in day-to-day practicalities.

Quirks you can tolerate

The truth is that everyone is potentially “high maintenance.” We all have our quirks and shortcomings. The key to long-term harmony is finding a woman who can tolerate (or maybe even enjoy) your “quirks,” or the little personal oddities that make you unique. You seem okay with several common quirks that might come along with your “ideal” woman:

  • When she says something that comes across a little harsh or insensitive, you typically can overlook it because you know she didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
  • You can enjoy her enthusiasm for new ideas without taking her plans, which are often unrealistic, too seriously.
  • You understand that she really enjoys conversation and will often talk more (and louder) than you prefer.

Downside of your “ideal”

In addition to her quirks, your “ideal” personality type may have other qualities that are more frustrating or challenging to deal with. Under stress, her quirks can become serious “flaws.” But remember, these quirks are the “flip side of the coin,” or the extreme end of qualities you otherwise find appealing. So, be prepared if:

  • She’s energized by going out with friends and doesn’t understand that such events have an opposite, draining effect on you. She doesn’t always respect your need for private, quiet time to “recharge.”
  • She may talk a lot about her career ambitions and dreams for how to improve your community or the environment, but never takes practical steps to get there.

Deal breakers

You seem ready to adapt to the good and frustrating qualities of the women you’re looking for, but there are types of women you clearly do NOT like. Women’s habits and attitudes you’d have a hard time putting up with include:

  • Women who are “touchy-feely” (need to discuss their emotions frequently, may cry at movies, etc.) and make major decisions, like whether to move, or which job to take, based on feelings rather than objective facts.


Skilled lover

Good sex is important to you, but it’s only one of many passions you and your partner can share. Since you prefer to initiate sex when it can be spontaneous and playful sex doesn’t need to be part of a weekly “routine.” You’re probably a skilled lover, and know how to make even the “basics” sensual and fun.

Among men your age, your particular combination of sexual drive and interests is similar to about 1 in 10 men (9%).

Is she sexually compatible?

You’re looking for someone just like you, who values the quality of sex over the quantity. You want someone who would never pressure you about sex.

What’s ahead for you sexually?

Once you’ve found a woman who matches you sexually, the stage will be set for a happy and stable relationship. Your only risk is to have sex get too comfortable; too predictable. Avoid boring sex by letting your spontaneous and sensual side shine. You and your partner could end up with an envious sex life.

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