
Posted on Tuesday, Apr 6, 2004

So I have to send in a bio for the festival (for both Dallas and I) and I’d rather not use the default one we have on the website. Any ideas on what to include? This is what I have so far:

Matt Stratton and Dallas Trinkle met under auspicious occasions – at a swing dance. Despite these lofty beginnings, it was several years before the two decided to merge their backgrounds in improv and physics and “just make a movie”.

Stratton has an extensive background in directing for the stage, and was eager to make the transition to the world of film and video. Stratton’s work with the Players Workshop of the Second City is a key element in his approach to comedy, which is to “live truthfully in an imaginary world.” Inventing: Music is his second film.

Trinkle has no background in directing for the stage, or writing at all. He appeared in his high school’s production of “The Inspector General” as a relatively minor, and forgettable, character. It was, as far as he was concerned, ample training to take on the challenge of writing for the screen, as well as showing up on set every day in hopes of “acting” in Gravy Train Films’ first film, the swing-dancing mockumentary Dancing With Gaia. He is currently a writer in residence for Gravy Train Films, when he’s not doing what he should be, which is finishing up his PhD thesis. He is currently learning how to organize words into intelligible “sentences.” He hopes this breakthrough will greatly aid his writing endeavors.

Inventing: Music has been well-received in the online festival at and was selected to screen at the 8th Annual Arizona State University Art Museum Short Film and Video Festival.

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