weak end

Posted on Monday, Oct 25, 2004

Pretty mellow weekend all told.

Friday night went out to dinner and drinks to celebrate Kim’s Match Day. Whoohoo! Fun karaoke stuff and then good times at the redneck country bar. I had a lot of fun, but was really tired.

Saturday during the day I worked on a project for Lippy’s birthday party and cleaned my apartment. Met up with that girl Ellie (the Jewish chick from a while ago) to watch a movie. Nothing that interesting to report on that front. Which is fine. She’s nice enough, but I’m really not that interested, and I don’t think she is either. But we had a good time.

Sunday I worked some more on projects and then went to help Backstreet with his computer. Man, I hate Windows sometimes. I was going to just give him a Knoppix CD and have him use that, except Knoppix can’t handle his wireless card. So I fixed his Windows.

Work is going well. It’s been pretty darn nice outside lately, which I’m enjoying.

Hmm. I just noticed that the web interface here (under Firefox) doesn’t seem to give me the ability to set security by groups – just Friends, Private, and Public. That sucks.

You know, given that I’m not really actively looking to date, I sure seem to be talking about dating a lot lately. Well, not *me* dating, but other people. I don’t mind – it’s making it easier for me to abstract my own love life by talking to other people about theirs. Although generally the friends I’m talking to are hot chicks, so it’s not exactly relevent, given that I am neither a) hot, nor b) a chick.

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