
Posted on Friday, Jan 10, 2003

Had this IM conversation with Gaga Girl #2….

Gaga Girl #2: and then we will meet hot people

Gaga Girl #2: that want to date us

Mugsy:: why will we need to meet hot people? we are already hot

Gaga Girl #2: and who hold up crossing guard signs that say, “GO FOR IT, DAMMIT!”

Mugsy:: we should make those signs

Mugsy:: and sell them online

Mugsy:: for big bucks

Gaga Girl #2: how cool would that be

Gaga Girl #2: so one side would say that, and the other side would be a stop sign

Mugsy:: if you had a sign like that would you use it?

Gaga Girl #2: no

Gaga Girl #2: it would have to be littler

Gaga Girl #2: so it could fit neatly into a purse

Gaga Girl #2: or something

Mugsy:: well that’s a design issue

Mugsy:: I’m a concept guy

Mugsy:: I have no time for your “details” and “feasibility”

Gaga Girl #2: i still wouldn’t use it though

Gaga Girl #2: cuz how do you know if the other person is deciding whether or not to go for it???

Gaga Girl #2: see, then it all starts over again

Mugsy:: ah, there’s the flaw in the plan…

Gaga Girl #2: cuz if you knew someone was pondering, you could help them out

Gaga Girl #2: it’s the fact that neither person knows what the other person is doing

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