Posted on Sunday, Jul 4, 2004

So my LJ activities are severely curtailed by the fact that LJ is blocked at B1. But that’s okay I suppose.


Nothing too interesting to report. I’ve been talking to this girl who sent me a message on that dating site…she seems cute enough, and kind of funny, but I don’t see anything happening with it. She’s a rabid Sox fan (which doesn’t bother me, except that she’s one of the “Cubs suck” Sox fans, which I just dislike in general), she has cats, and she thinks both Tom Jones and bowling are lame. (They are lame, but they are also fun)

Eh. I’m not going to worry too much about it. I’m just having fun with my friends these days and having a good time. The quest for the Girl Who Doesn’t Annoy Mugsy is a lower priority.

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