Yehoodi status

Posted on Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005

FYI, I just talked to Frankyboy, and here’s the story:

Mugsy Malone 74: I assum you guys know you’ve been down for a day?

Frankyboy: yes we do bro

Mugsy Malone 74: I figured. I just keep getting im-ed from people who, for some reason, assume i know what is going on

Frankyboy: an incompetent hacker

Mugsy Malone 74: eep!

Frankyboy: his hack just ruined everything, didn’t steal root

Mugsy Malone 74: is there an official something I can post on WH or at least for the people who keep asking?

Mugsy Malone 74: so that people stop bugging YOU? :)

Frankyboy: yes, tell them that

Mugsy Malone 74: eta?

Frankyboy: someone tried to hack us and only ruined our server, we’re resetting up everything

Frankyboy: no eta as of yet

Edit: According to Eff, they will be back online “within a few days”.

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