Still some advance copies left…

Posted on Friday, Mar 5, 2004

As you know, my production company, Gravy Train Films, has just

released our first film, _Dancing With Gaia_.

The DVD’s will “officially” go on sale March 17. However we have a

limited number of the “advance” copies still available.

You can purchase them by visiting the super-secret URL at

The DVD’s are $20 each plus $3 for shipping. The “Advance Copies” are just as good as the retail ones, but they are a limited run. The synopsis text on the back of the case is different on the retail versions :) Plus you can get the “Advance Copy” now instead of waiting another couple of weeks.

Don’t have a DVD player? Then you’ll have to wait for the March 17

release, which will include the film on VHS, but the VHS version

doesn’t have the cool audio commentary, not to mention the fact that

DVD’s are just cooler.

Any questions, feel free to give me an email.

Matt and Dallas

Gravy Train Films

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