So that’s that…

Posted on Tuesday, Mar 15, 2005

I guess I’m going to Los Angeles in two weeks.

 and  are having “teh partay”, to celebrate the fact that Marcelo has gone another year without someone killing him, and that Drew (or should that be “Teh Drew”) moved in. In a sleep-deprived haze, I agreed to forgo ATLX (anyone want to buy a registration?) and instead visit the wretched hive of scum and villany that is LA. Plus,  is going. And . And if all is right with the world, .

So I booked my flight. I will be arriving on Friday, April 1. I head home on Tuesday night, and get home at like 5 AM…so, as Amanda said, I will “sleep on the plane and then go right to work”. Yeah. This makes a lot of fucking sense.But I bet it’ll be a blast.

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