Send my sister off to do some work…

Posted on Monday, Mar 8, 2004

So basically, my sister is in college and this do-gooder kind of kid.

So for her spring break this year, instead of doing keg stands on the beach, she is going to do work for Habitat for Humanity.

She only needs to raise another $140 to get herself there. I told her I’d help her out. If you want to help too, just a five dollar donation will really add up and let her go on and build houses with Jimmy Carter.

Here’s what she had to say about it:


Hi, it’s me, Beck. OKay, well I finally got things straightened out. We tried to get on the trip to South Carolina to work with abused and neglected children, but the organization that is setting it up was being extremely difficult. So, we both have been praying a lot about what to do and decided to go on the trip with Greek Intervarsity through Habitat for Humanity to Georgia and build houses. The trip is going to cost $240 altogether. Mom gave me 100, so I only need $140. Do you think this is possible? I am willing to take whatever I can get. I can e-mail all of your friends with all the information. YOu can just e-mail me all of their e-mail addresses and I’ll get that out asap. Okay, well, I have to go study for another midterm. Yay! My life is awesome! Thanks for helping me out, as you know how much money sucks and makes things hard to do when you don’t have the funds._

Just click the Donate button at the bottom to send it via Paypal. Or just paypal the money to matt [at] gravytrainfilms [dot] com.

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