Pop culture embargo

Posted on Thursday, Oct 21, 2004

So Marcelo has challenged me to a Contest.

We are going to attempt to go one week (starting tomorrow) without making any pop culture references.

These are the rules:

Starting tomorrow (so we all can start at the same time) we go for a week without pop culture references in our speech.

What does this entail?

Out – quoting TV shows, movies, comic book lore, anything mildly geeky, Homestar Runner, All your base, Star Wars Kid – if it’s mildly esoteric on the net, it’s out.

In – allusions to respected works of literature and poesy, priceless art, reputed philosophy.

We are still allowed to watch TV, movies, etc. We can “ingest as much pop culture as we want”, but not make any references to it.

So if you catch either of us doing so, please report the offender immediately.

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