old habits die hard

Posted on Saturday, Dec 11, 2004

So the good news is, I was able to standby on my flight yesterday, so I got into NYC at around 4 ish instead of midnight. Yay!

Larry picked me up at the airport because he rules. I am an idiot and forgot to bring both keys to Amanda’s place, so I had no way to get in…so Larry and I hung out at his house and played with the dog, and watched cartoons. Good times.

Headed back to Amanda’s later, and we had some good Thai food, and then met up with Fredo (and eventually Zoe) at a bar in Brooklyn. Everyone else I was hoping to see this weekend was in Manhattan for a movie. When I finally did get a hold of Larry later, it was midnight, and some people were apparently leaving, but I couldn’t quite understand everything he was saying. Plus I had just gotten off the phone w/ Beck who was in a cab on her way to Floyd, so it wasn’t like changing venues was really an option.

It was kind of a hard evening for me – I do NOT do well in social situations where I don’t know people. I find myself sitting back and becoming an observer – especially when there are a lot of alpha-males who clearly are used to being the funniest/wittiest one there. Overall, it turned out to be a fine evening (Amanda and I had a discussion at dinner about how different people interact, so the evening became a sociology project for me), but I was a little bummed that I spent the night talking about IMB to a close-talking guy instead of some other people. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see them later this weekend. If not, I’ll be back again. If nothing else, this was another good learning experience for my moving decision – I don’t want everything to be sunshine and roses, because that is unrealistic, and reminding myself that even in a new city, I’m still terribly shy was a good thing.

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