New interview meme

Posted on Tuesday, Jul 26, 2005

Courtesy of , here’s a new interview meme:

Ask me a question in comments. I’ll respond to your comment with the answer. And in return, I will ask you a question, which you can also respond to here, or can go put in your own journal, though I’d appreciate a link to your response, for record-keeping later. Expect reciprocity: If you ask me a silly question, expect both a silly answer and a silly question in return; if you put some thought into yours, I’ll put some thought into mine.

As a bonus, if I choose not to answer your question for some reason, which may happen given that people from my job, my family, and my general professional life may be reading this, I’ll compensate by asking you two questions. However, I reserve the right to airily dismiss questions that seem designed to embarrass me or otherwise force me not to answer so you can get an extra question out of the deal.

You can ask as many questions as you want and you’ll get a return-question back for each of them, but please put each question in its own comment.

Everything clear? Good. Game on.

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