Movie meme

Posted on Wednesday, Dec 29, 2004

did this meme, which was invented by , and since I love movies, I thought I’d do it as well.

Similar to the “here’s the lyric, name the song” meme, you will find below many lines from movies. When you know the answer, reply in a comment. Once someone gets it right, I will cross it out and put the correct movie next to it.

No cheating using the webbernet, because I will be able to tell.

Jervo screened comments in his, to “prevent cheating”, but I don’t quite know what that means.

  1. I’m a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule. Clerks

  2. Somewhere around 25, ‘bizarre’ becomes immature”. Singles (anon)

  3. Shut up, listen, and learn. Swimming With Sharks (anon)

  4. They mostly come out at night. Mostly. Aliens

  5. I am the author! You are the audience! I outrank you!

  6. You get me in that vendetta kind of mood, you tell the angels in Heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as in the face of the man who killed you. True Romance (anon)

  7. We are number one! All others are number two, or lower. Mystery Men

  8. Whenever we needed money, we’d rob the airport. It was better than Citibank. Goodfellas

  9. It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.

  10. There are certain sections of New York that I wouldn’t advise you to try to invade. Casablanca

  11. This isn’t the junior chamber of commerce, Brad.Rocky Horror Picture Show

  12. Hi, my name’s Elliot, and I’m with the Cub Scouts of America. We’re selling some uncut cocaine to get to the jamboree. True Romance (anon)

  13. I know we’ve only known each other 4 weeks and 3 days, but to me it seems like 9 weeks and 5 days. The Jerk

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