Interview from teh Marcelo

Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2005

As asked by :

1. What is the single funniest thing/joke/tv show/item you’ve ever come across?

This is a tough one. Because almost everything I find funny I find to be terribly amusing at first…and then it fades away.

I would say it is either this video here, or this picture of Nando taking it up the butt:

However, upon further reflection, I just remembered.

The funniest thing I’ve ever come accross is Treat Your Mother Right by Mr. T.

2. What property/book/play that has been made into a movie would you elect to undo and remake yourself because the first guy messed it up so badly?

I spent the better part of the day wrestling with this question (the others were answered rather quickly). I *know* that there’s got to be at least one…but then again, I’m not the guy who feels “betrayed” because someone fucked up a movie version of a book I liked. But that’s not to say that some don’t suck balls. You and I are the only two people who actually enjoyed Starship Troopers, so that’s not one…I didn’t especially care for the movie version of The Puppet Masters, but not enough to want to rip it out and do it over. Nobody’s (yet) made movies of the books I really want to see – namely Stranger in a Strange Land, and Snow Crash.

Prior to the Prisoner of Azkaban, I would have answered with “the Harry Potter books”, but they finally seem to have gotten that right.

3. Why is there no more

Couple reasons. Firstly, Dallas and I forgot to renew the domain. Secondly, it was getting Windyhop blacklisted (for a while, it shared the same IP, so netnanny stuff that blocked by IP blocked all the other sites because of Lindyporn). Finally, our main star asked us to take it down (I think she was afraid her mom would find it). The site is still there though; just under a different URL.

4. What do you think you are going to be for my Halloween partay?

I don’t know yet. It’s going to be hard to top the Love Boat crew. Halloween costumes are a Big Deal for me, so I can assure you it will be something good. I usually figure out mine around August – sometimes it’s good to wait a little while so you can pick something topical. I have some ideas already (some of which are Teh Hall0w33n Partay specific), but I also like the surprise costume…so I’m not revealing them now.

5. Better performance – William Shatner in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, or Burt Reynolds in The Cannonball Run? Why?

It’s all about Burt Reynolds. The smugness carries that entire movie. Plus, Wrath of Khan doesn’t have wacky outtakes at the end. If they could have had Leonard Nimoy cracking up because Shatner said “Can” instead of “Khan”, then MAYBE there would be a comparison.

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