Happy Loyalty Day

Posted on Monday, May 1, 2006

I’m very bored.

On Friday afternoon, I gave my laptop to our desktop services guy to have it re-imaged.

Well, turns out I forgot to tell him my password, so he couldn’t get my Lotus Notes stuff off of it. Long story short, he couldn’t start rebuilding it until this morning.

So I went to my boss this morning, intending to take the day off. I started by saying “Well, apparently I don’t have a laptop until this afternoon…”

Before I could finish with “…so I’m going home,” my boss handed me a Dell laptop from his bag.

“I don’t know what good this will do,” I said. “I won’t be able to get onto email or have any of my data.”

“Yeah, but you can still surf the Web,” my boss said.

I took the laptop from him, thinking “yeah, I could do that at HOME, too…”

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