girly update

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 4, 2003

So Carrie made me dinner tonight.

For those of you playing at home, Carrie is the girl I met at Louis’s birthday party about a month ago. She’s the girl who calls me every day, and we’ve gone out a bunch of times, but I have been being kind of dumb about.

Anyway, tonight was a really spectacular date. She made vegetarian lasagna (so as to avoid the pork issue) and Rice Krispy Treats for dessert (she’s a 2nd grade teacher; it’s pretty funny). We watched some goofy TV (since going out with Carrie, I’ve seen more “Road Rules” and reality TV than I have in my entire life). I met her other roommate, and bullshit with the roommate I’d already met.

Other things developed, which are nice. She’s coming to the Micetro on Saturday, as well as Saturday night’s dance at Wrigley. Amusingly enough, she suggested that we set Backstreet up with her roommate, which I’d already considered. I don’t know if he’d be interested, but I told her to bring her roommate to the Beeyachski band’s gig next week. Who knows what might happen.

I feel good about this, I think.

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