B&T Weekend

Posted on Sunday, Aug 6, 2006

Too much metal for one quadracycle
Originally uploaded by Matt Stratton.

No, not Black and Tan…Brian and Tracy!

On Friday afternoon/evening, Brian invited me to join them at what he referred to as the “Optimus Prime Party” – a block party event thrown by a big editing house here in Chicago. We drank a bunch of beers and ate a bunch of food. It was awesome.

Afterwards, we went bowling, and I got my first turkey ever. Yay!

However, when I got home, I discovered that the cleaning lady had locked the upstairs door.

The door that we never lock.

The door that I didn’t have a key for.

I was locked out of my house at 10:30 on a Friday night. I called Carrie to see if any of her friends had a spare key, but they did not. I called my landlord (he lives two blocks away), but got no answer. T&B and I went to the Diner Grill, with the plan being for me to stay at their house (slumber party!). Carrie called me back with a plan – the door on our front balcony is never locked. Since I did have a key to the garage, she thought that maybe Brian and I could get a ladder out of there, and go up to the balcony.

Sadly, we did not get to try our B&E plan, since my landlord called me back a few minutes later and came to my rescue.

Yesterday, after having lunch at the Celtic Crown, Tracy and I went for a bike ride while Brian did his running. I haven’t been on my bike since coming back from Michigan, so it was good to get out again. My knee has been bothering me a little bit since the Michigan trip, and I could definitely feel a twinge in it after the 8 mile ride. Not good.

Last night was capped off with pizza and Firefly. Good times.

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