Bored now.

Posted on Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004

I have some documentation for work I should be writing…but yet, I am not.

I’m in kind of a lull right now. My new boss is out of the office because he just had a kid. So I haven’t been able to talk to him lately. I have my first “real” day as a JPMC employee on Monday – which means I go to orientation and do paperwork. And then come back to 300SR and do the exact same thing I do every day.

I have a really awful toothache – it’s hard to see, but it looks like I have a cavity on one of my back teeth and it is KILLING me. I made an appointment for tomorrow after work, but I don’t have dental insurance yet, so this will probably be pricy. Hell, just going in there and getting on x-ray is going to cost me $75. I can only imagine how bad it will be when they do some work. But I can’t wait until my insurance kicks in. I kind of think I’ll want to chew sometime before then.

Oh, and has anyone else noticed that Paypal is broken? This is a little scary. Glad I don’t have any money in there I need to get at; I heard that even the Paypal debit cards aren’t working right. Stupid Paypal.

The word of the day is “splendiferous”. Use it as often as possible. Most creative use earns you a freshly baked oatmeal raisin cookie.

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