Posted on Monday, Oct 27, 2003
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
mugsy1274 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Elvis.
cider tricks you! You get a thumbtack.
divajess gives you 7 dark green cola-flavoured pieces of taffy.
heavymetalsushi gives you 1 purple strawberry-flavoured miniature candy bars.
kathy_skadoo gives you 17 red tropical-flavoured nuggets.
rachakate gives you 2 dark blue spearmint-flavoured gummy worms.
shanabanana gives you 3 green lime-flavoured gumdrops.
straight_dallas tricks you! You lose 20 pieces of candy!
swingfeline tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
tjmweb tricks you! You get a button.
mugsy1274 ends up with 10 pieces of candy, a thumbtack, a broken balloon, and a button.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
    Fucking Dallas. Stealing my candy.

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