Posted on Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005

The other night, I was talking to about a certain someone in the national swing scene. We’ll call him “Allen”.

I was saying you know, considering we all hate this kid so much…why do we talk about him ALL THE TIME?


Every  time I am together with a bunch of swingies, at some point or another, the topic of “Allen” comes up. And we spend about 20 minutes discussing this guy.

Why do we spend so much of our precious time and energy on people we don’t like? For example, if someone brought up , the conversation would go like this:

Person A: So yeah, Roberta…

Person B: Roberta is awesome! She’s so sweet. Plus she is pretty.

Person A: She rocks! But you know who DOESN’T rock…

Get it?

I decided that “Allen” is the Paris Hilton of the swing scene. Everyone in the national scene knows who he is. People talk about him all the time. Nobody actually likes him, but he’s a major topic of conversation.

Just like Paris.

I guess that makes Yehoodi like US Weekly.

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