Gaga Girl #2

Posted on Thursday, Feb 27, 2003

Mugsy: the swing scene has run dry for me anyway. I mean, not that I did a lot there in that way anyhow

Gaga Girl #2: yes

Gaga Girl #2: there is NO ONE in the swing scene

Mugsy: there is nobody

Gaga Girl #2: it’s twoo.

Mugsy: there was one girl, but that’s not happening

Mugsy: all the girls I like or even just get along with are all super involved

Gaga Girl #2: hey…you’re right!

Gaga Girl #2: like sarah

Gaga Girl #2: and evin

Gaga Girl #2: and tracy

Mugsy: yup. or tracy

Gaga Girl #2: hee hee

Mugsy: or you

Gaga Girl #2: aww

Gaga Girl #2: i’m not super involved

Gaga Girl #2: ah

Gaga Girl #2: yeah

Mugsy: you are so super involved

Mugsy: don’t you lie to me

Gaga Girl #2: nuh uh

Gaga Girl #2: not super duper

Mugsy: you aren’t gaga anymore?

Gaga Girl #2: i’m gaga

Mugsy: oh, good

Gaga Girl #2: but it’s not like i have a ring

Mugsy: you know…right before everything started with daniel, I was actually thinking about asking you out

Mugsy: (I don’t know why I told you that)

Mugsy: but then you got gaga and that was exciting

Gaga Girl #2: oh

Gaga Girl #2: i’m sorry

Gaga Girl #2: i mean, i’m not

Gaga Girl #2: but…i dunno

Gaga Girl #2: i mean, i’m sorry that the timing didn’t work out for you to ask me

Gaga Girl #2: or something

Gaga Girl #2: but i’m kinda happy being gaga

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